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Fig. 7 | Journal of Translational Medicine

Fig. 7

From: Comprehensive analysis of bulk and single-cell transcriptomic data reveals a novel signature associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress, lipid metabolism, and liver metastasis in pancreatic cancer

Fig. 7

Immune landscape in high- and low-risk groups. Alteration of A TIDE score, B immune dysfunction, C immune exclusion and D MDSC in high- and low-risk groups. E–H IPS scores of PD1 and CTLA4 in high- and low-risk groups. I, J The immune infiltration variations in high- and low-risk groups. K Risk scores correlated with immune checkpoints. L Immune function altered in high- and low-risk groups. M Fisher’s test revealed the cohort distribution of immunotherapy response among patients categorized into high and low-risk groups within the TCGA dataset. N The responsiveness of patients to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment based on submap algorithm and the TIDE scores with Bonferroni corrected p values

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